Sunday, May 29, 2011

Lady Gaga, Amazon Cloud marketing strategy
99 cents CD and WOM
What I don't like about Lady Gaga
perfect voice

This past week Amazon and Lady Gaga married (Marry the Night?) for one of the best marketing strategies I've ever encountered.

For years I have explained to people Amazon owns cloud computing storage. In May the cloud went down, challenging its viability; as well as messing up PlayStation for Sony.

Along came Lady Gaga and a 99 cent CD sale of Born This Way. If you bought the CD, you got like a five year free trial of the cloud. You can tell I passed on the deal.

Amazon paid $8.40 for the 99 cents CD I purchased, according to Billboard.

While Amazon tied in with what is probably today's #1 recording artist, Lady Gaga got something in return.

You can tell by the Billboard article, Lady Gaga's Born This Way will be the #1 CD on Tuesday (May 31, 2011).

Lady Gaga also benefits. It creates WOM - word of mouth, the greatest marketing tool ever known to mankind.

My personal believe is this 21st Century marketing tool (formerly public relations) has established Gaga for the next 15 years. Hard to believe, but Britney Spears has sustained her career for an even dozen years now and has no sign of letting up. Put Gaga in the Britney, Madonna stratosphere.

Again, personally believe Gaga's Born This Way is unstoppable throughout June (2011), and will be able to withstand new releases by Beyonce, Selena Gomez and Dolly Parton.

By the end of June, Gaga will add somewhere from a million to five million to her net worth, and that's not counting the song writing $. That, my friend, is true marketing in the 21st Century.

Now what I don't like about Gaga. Nit picking. Here voice is too perfect. In the days when people like Demi Lovato and Selena Gomez use vocal "sweeteners" to enhance their vocals, and keep them in tune, Lady Gaga sounds like she's been trained extensively in vocals.

Listening to Born This Way at the gym this morning, it hit me. There's no machine between her voice, the microphone and the recording device. Not even Taylor Swift can make that claim. It's like someone who lives off junk food. If you feed them quality diets of vegetables and other good food, they're going to get sick. My problem with Gaga's vocals.

Lastly, would like to introduce Kareem "Jesus" Devlin, guitarist extraordinaire from my favorite Born This Way song, Electric Chapel.

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